Posted on: September 20, 2016 Personal Development, Player Development, Professional Development, Uncategorized
CindyMillerDotCo Index v9 3

September 20, 2019

Have you ever stood over a golf shot,  and felt unsure where you are aimed, not sure you have chosen the right shot, or the correct club?  What would it feel like to stand on the first tee comfortable in your set-up, confident in your abilities so you could perform consistently on the golf course? Over the next few weeks we are going to discuss how you can become comfortable and confident so you can play more consistent golf.

The steps are:

  1. Pre-Game– Why are you here?   Where are you now? How did you get here?
  2. Define Your Game–  Who are you? Your behavioral style? What motivates you?
  3. Game Plan– Make a plan to accomplish your goals. What is your personal plan?
  4. The Physical Game–  What do you need to learn to accomplish your goals?
  5. The Mental Game– What mental skills are required for your game?
  6. The Emotional Game– How do you react, respond, and recover when things don’t go your way?
  7. Play Your Game– Focus on the task at hand, have a plan, realistic goals and expectations.
  8. Post Game- Elite performers reflect on their performances to understand what they have done well and where there can be improvements.

To assess what you would like to improve, please go to this link and fill out the online survey.

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