The International Association of Microsoft Channel Partners (IAMCP)
The room was packed with close to 300 business people representing some of the top technology companies from around the world. They were all wondering the same thing. How was this renowned golf instructor going to help them improve communication and collaboration across their teams of information technology professionals? What did being one of the top golfers in the world have to do with running technology companies? As it turned out, everything.
Companies get ahead when they are firing on all cylinders. To compete successfully, your team needs to be sharp and operating at peak efficiency. This means working at the same level and with the same strategies that professional athletes use to win the Super Bowl, World Series, and The Ryder Cup. Great working teams aren’t hired, they are actively developed. High performing teams are characterized by an energized flow of ideas and communication. Cindy guides participants while they learn their own key strengths and map out a plan to facilitate team development in the workplace.
“Uncovering the Belief Behind the Action"
Target Training International is known for their research and reliability.
With the goal of continuous improvement, TTI SI has expanded its assessment research to include the neurological basis of decision-making and the implications this has for our assessments. The result has been nothing short of amazing.
Since 2011, TTI SI has gained insights into how humans process information and as a result, have improved our assessments in ways never before dreamed possible. Our cutting edge Prefrontal Cortex Gamma Asymmetry research is impacting ipsative assessments and appraisal research protocols worldwide. We have uncovered the role of aversion in decisions, the value of native tongue translations, the power of what we do NOT want and much-much more.
To better understand the science behind the Science of Self®, please feel free to download and read some or all of our ongoing behavioral neurology research peer reviewed and related white papers.
Reliable Around the World
Our latest reliability study of TTI Success Insights’ Style Insights® and Motivation Insights® assessments was released in August 2017.
Based on the findings in this study as compared to industry standards, one may conclude the style & motivation insights assessments show evidence of internal consistency, which is one key piece of assessment reliability.