Posted on: February 24, 2016 Uncategorized

IYG Purple MeWhy do you play golf?  Do you love the personal challenge? Do you like to compete? Do you enjoy being outdoors? Do you like the fact that you can play with your family?   

Many of the people I teach play just for fun.  Although they do not compete, they still like to improve their games. It is important that you understand your why.  Why do you play?  What you do like most about golf? Is it hitting good shots? Scoring low? Being outside? Playing with friends? Once you understand your why, it is easier to define what you want.  

Do you want to hit the golf ball more straight?  Farther? Do you want to score better?  Are you sick of embarrassing yourself on the course? Would you like to putt better?  Get your chips closer to the hole?  Again, knowing what you clearly want will also help you make realistic expectations and goals for improvement.

I suggest you stop and think about why you play, what you would love to improve, and make a plan to work on those parts of your game that will give you the most satisfaction.  That way you can enjoy yourself much more on the course. 

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